So, it is settled, Barack Obama is our next President. I am enthralled mainly because of what his election represents. It is the collapse of the traditional middle-aged white male political regime. Tradition is thrown out and change, as cliche as that term has become, is a reality. Although i can't imagine how my elders felt, seeing a half black man become elected President when 50 some years ago they were fighting and dying for the right to even participate in an election.

In was no doubt intense, and even more surreal when friends began to call me, weeping tears of exuberance, Damn thats powerful.

With all that being said, i can't help but notice the watchful eyes of the public, on his decisions as President Elect as well as President. Its a recurring situation when any minority gets into a position of power, watchful eyes wait for a mistake or any sort of stereotypical action to validate societies predisposed stereotypes. With watchful eyes, people are waiting... hoping for the opportunity to say, "see, thats why a [black man] can't run, and shouldn't run this country."

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BRand Nu