Musical as of Late x Jerry Smith
I came across this splendid piece of eargasm while surfing the usual music sources. The Album, Peter Broderick- Music For Falling From Trees. From what iv'e read, it is the score to a recent Contemporary Dance that may or may not bear the same name. It reminds me a lot of my first college art instructor, Jerry Smith, He was very peculiar in his methods but he had a very sound technique for teaching objectively. I remember he would play Koop as we drew still life's in the dim lights that casted draping shadows over the subject matter. His wife taught dance at my high-school and he actively participated in recitals by filming pieces in his unique ambiguous style. So in memory of Jerry, who has not passed away but simply moved on to that Golden Gate Bridge in the sky AKA San Francisco, here is Music For Falling From Trees!
Peter Broderick- Music For Falling From Trees

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Rob Roy and Love Brigade

A good musical acquaintance of mine, Rob Roy moved to LA some time ago to pursue his career in entertaining. Its hard to believe such talent manifested itself in both Rob Roy's music and ALyssa Key's Love Brigade clothing line. Its nice to see they've teamed up to enhance each others growing popularity and crossover appeal. I'm very happy for them, as they stand as testament to the willing. Holla at the link!
I-N-T-R-O-(B-R-O-Y) - Rob Roy
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Severed Relationship Relevance
Boy meets Girl. Boy Dates Girl. Boy Breaks up with Girl on Good Terms. Girl Never Talks to boy again, despite numerous efforts to create a platonic relationship. Scenario sound familiar?. Psssh that situation and I are best friends. So what causes this rift in platonic efforts of former lovers? Jealousy?, Envy?, Hate? I'm curious how one step to end a relationship honestly and fairly can end months of effort invested into building the foundations of a friendship and a potential relationship that may have went the distance. I'm baffled. But because i dont understand it i write those people off, kinda like someone who does something for personal gain, and bounces when its no longer personally beneficial. Pretty Much taking your ball and going home!
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