The Long Lost

Daedelus's new venture, a husband and wife duo stolen from 19th century and mushed together with guitars and samples. This album will transport you to a whimsical place, think of it as if it were a soundtrack to tim burtons version of alice and wonderland if the score had lyrics. Alot of the songs incorporate a speak and spell or leap frog effect, and in my book thats an instant classic.
Totally weird definitely indie, pretty much dope. Play it while your making something beautiful or cooking something delicious.

Download link in comments
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BRand Nu

Flexing the Illustrator Muscles


Because of the sudden interest i have placed on drawing, ive neglected the digital counterpart. Although, i have considered ways to incorporate digital imagery into the projects at hand. So yesterday i decided to flex my illustrator muscles so to speak. This took about 3 hours maybe less.
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BRand Nu

Theophilus London-Soul Pop New Wave Hip Hop

I've been diggin this dude for some time now, Hailing From Brooklyn? He kind of reminds me of a less cocky Pharrell.
Check him out. If the desire comes over me i will post one of the two mixtapes he's released.

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BRand Nu

Artwork, never posted Any....

probably because im extremely paranoid about people stealing ideas from perhaps un-established artists,
so heres some something from an older series that ive matured from.

Entitled: Integgrity, 2008,16x20, Acrylic on Canvas
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BRand Nu

Respect where Respect is due.

felt like paying a tribute to an influence.
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BRand Nu

Enlightenment? wha dat is?

I think the truly enlightened posses the ability to have an idea, one that is beyond the individuals own safety of a familiar environment or thought process. The enlightened mind does not question the purpose of the idea, but it seeks to rationally solve and/or answer this irrational idea or question; and to take it a step further, actually bringing this idea into physical fruition.
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BRand Nu