So i guess I'm starting a tradition of compiling these Christmas mixtapes of eclectic Christmas music. I enjoy "Cratediggin" as the DJ's refer to it, well here's this years mix and tracklist. Enjoi.
1. Now Sound Christmas Intro/ The Free Design
2. Carpenter Christmas Remix/ Go Home Productions
3. Christmas Reindeer/ The Knife
4. Christmas Don't be Late/ Jesse Torrisi
5. Snowed/ Daedelus
6. Bricks Interlude
7.Wonderful Christmas Time Remix/ Rhythm Scholar
8. Everyday is Christmas/ The Webb Brothers
9. The Christmas Massacre of Charlie Brown/ DJ John
10. Redribbon Foxes/ A Fine Frenzy
11. The Night before Christmas/ Eek-A-Mouse
12. Christmas with Reilly/ Electric Bird Noise
13. What do you do....A lonely Christmas/ I.N.T.
14. Have Yourself a Merry little Christmas/ Coldplay
15. Christmas Time is Here/ Kat 010
16. Last Christmas/ Erlend Oye
17. Silent Night/ Banjo or Freakout
18. Completely Different Interlude
19. The Nutbreaker/ DJ BC
Decorate and Smoke Em. Vol 2
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Sometimes Someone else should Say it so it sounds More Rational

"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to."
— Jim Jarmusch
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Re:Visitation Rights

Re:visitation rights are the opportunities to return to our previous experiences. Oh are we lucky to experience the marvel of time travel. I picked up an old Cd i hadn't listened to in maybe 4 years, It was something that at the time i musically wasn't ready for. My mind hadn't completed the release of norms and societal standards of what good modern music should sound like. I had the opportunity to Re:experience the same music with a more mature mind and appreciate it for the groundbreaking piece of art it was.
We have this ability to go back in time in a sense and re:experience old friends, art, music or even places that evoke and inspire memories or they serve as a foundation on which to build on. Who needs an 85 delorean when the human mind is capable of taking us through time with environments and objects serving as our Flux Capacitors.
From a scientific and hollywood standpoint, temporal law applies here as well, making it more feasible in terms of physical time travel. Any action re:experienced, changes the course of thought in the future or present. For example, after the Re:listen i was enlightened, overwhelmed with new ideas that came to fruition based on the inspiration i received from a solid unbiased listen today... inspirations i may have never had prior to a second listen.
But by doing so i changed my future, whether large or minute.
Shits deep. The Album: Piano Overlord (PRefuse73) - 03-05 The Singles.
Its an album composed of MPC samples and various Pianos, Synths, and Organs played and/or sampled by Prefuse.
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On Creating...
Working on art while listening to music with words is like sharing a rehearsal space.
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Washed Out-Feel it all around
Sounds a little like Radio Dept but dope none-the-less
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The Gayfish and the VMA's
I'm not into award shows, because the same tired radio artist are always nominated and win perpetuating audio ignorance, but i just had to see how the infamous "Ignant" Negro extrodinare, KAnye made a scene. First of all, if he really wanted to make a scene and speak out about the well deserved artist being cheated out of an award...don't show up to that bullshit ass award show.
Second, we like your music but hate you. What happen to the humble, almost died in a car accident Kanye? Money. Dude got rich, his mom past away and cat has gone nuts.
But whatever, Pharrells a better beat maker anyway!
Second, we like your music but hate you. What happen to the humble, almost died in a car accident Kanye? Money. Dude got rich, his mom past away and cat has gone nuts.
But whatever, Pharrells a better beat maker anyway!
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Need I Say More: Ya Digg!
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Musical as of Late x Jerry Smith
I came across this splendid piece of eargasm while surfing the usual music sources. The Album, Peter Broderick- Music For Falling From Trees. From what iv'e read, it is the score to a recent Contemporary Dance that may or may not bear the same name. It reminds me a lot of my first college art instructor, Jerry Smith, He was very peculiar in his methods but he had a very sound technique for teaching objectively. I remember he would play Koop as we drew still life's in the dim lights that casted draping shadows over the subject matter. His wife taught dance at my high-school and he actively participated in recitals by filming pieces in his unique ambiguous style. So in memory of Jerry, who has not passed away but simply moved on to that Golden Gate Bridge in the sky AKA San Francisco, here is Music For Falling From Trees!
Peter Broderick- Music For Falling From Trees

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Rob Roy and Love Brigade

A good musical acquaintance of mine, Rob Roy moved to LA some time ago to pursue his career in entertaining. Its hard to believe such talent manifested itself in both Rob Roy's music and ALyssa Key's Love Brigade clothing line. Its nice to see they've teamed up to enhance each others growing popularity and crossover appeal. I'm very happy for them, as they stand as testament to the willing. Holla at the link!
I-N-T-R-O-(B-R-O-Y) - Rob Roy
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Severed Relationship Relevance
Boy meets Girl. Boy Dates Girl. Boy Breaks up with Girl on Good Terms. Girl Never Talks to boy again, despite numerous efforts to create a platonic relationship. Scenario sound familiar?. Psssh that situation and I are best friends. So what causes this rift in platonic efforts of former lovers? Jealousy?, Envy?, Hate? I'm curious how one step to end a relationship honestly and fairly can end months of effort invested into building the foundations of a friendship and a potential relationship that may have went the distance. I'm baffled. But because i dont understand it i write those people off, kinda like someone who does something for personal gain, and bounces when its no longer personally beneficial. Pretty Much taking your ball and going home!
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Super Sexy Swedish Sampler...Shit!
I recently came across this amazing talent via KCRW, (if you dont know, now you know). From what i've gathered she's a swedish-american who resides in Louisiana, who has a knack for cutting samples even Madlib would be envious (mainly for the fact that she samples her own playing). As well as her sampling skills, she possesses the ability to play a variety of instruments, amongst them the violin, guitar, drums, and more. Her voice is forceful and soulful, reminiscent of funky delta negro lounge singers and teems with heart. Peep how she works the sample pedals.....WITH HER TOES! PSSSSH Im in love!
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The Long Lost

Daedelus's new venture, a husband and wife duo stolen from 19th century and mushed together with guitars and samples. This album will transport you to a whimsical place, think of it as if it were a soundtrack to tim burtons version of alice and wonderland if the score had lyrics. Alot of the songs incorporate a speak and spell or leap frog effect, and in my book thats an instant classic.
Totally weird definitely indie, pretty much dope. Play it while your making something beautiful or cooking something delicious.
Download link in comments
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Flexing the Illustrator Muscles
Because of the sudden interest i have placed on drawing, ive neglected the digital counterpart. Although, i have considered ways to incorporate digital imagery into the projects at hand. So yesterday i decided to flex my illustrator muscles so to speak. This took about 3 hours maybe less.
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Theophilus London-Soul Pop New Wave Hip Hop
I've been diggin this dude for some time now, Hailing From Brooklyn? He kind of reminds me of a less cocky Pharrell.
Check him out. If the desire comes over me i will post one of the two mixtapes he's released.
Check him out. If the desire comes over me i will post one of the two mixtapes he's released.
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Artwork, never posted Any....

probably because im extremely paranoid about people stealing ideas from perhaps un-established artists,
so heres some something from an older series that ive matured from.
Entitled: Integgrity, 2008,16x20, Acrylic on Canvas
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Respect where Respect is due.
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Enlightenment? wha dat is?
I think the truly enlightened posses the ability to have an idea, one that is beyond the individuals own safety of a familiar environment or thought process. The enlightened mind does not question the purpose of the idea, but it seeks to rationally solve and/or answer this irrational idea or question; and to take it a step further, actually bringing this idea into physical fruition.
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The Perfect being with design flaws
Ever been together with someone you thought was so perfect that the small flaws you find become magnified to the Nth degree?
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Bootleg Biker Trend (this picture is worth a thousand words)

Some Fads are quite retarded!
I think this image was done by a west coast pop artist, not positive though, so don't quote me.
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